“Clinical Symposium and Members Meeting Sponsor of the Day” OR “Social Sponsor” status
Podium time at the beginning of the day’s session or social (tentatively 10 minutes)
Complimentary registration for entities representatives (max of 2)
Complimentary admission to the ALATA CSMM Social for entities representatives (max of 2)
Hyperlinked logo / name recognition on ALATA’s website partners page (1 year)
Hyperlinked logo / name recognition on ALATA’s monthly A-Blast (1 year)
Advertisement in attendees gift bags at ALATA CSMM (1 year)
Electronic advertisement sent to members (2 / year at requested time of the sponsor)
Attendee information provided via email for one-time use (1 year). Exception is for attendees who option out of contact information.
Exhibitor booth at the ALATA CSMM (1 year)
Verbal recognition at the CSMM Meeting (1 year)
Recognition in the CSMM Meeting Agenda (1 year)
Recognition on ALATA sponsored social media platforms (1/month for a calendar year)
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*Sponsorship Only*