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According to the CDC, heat illness during practice or competition is the leading cause of death among U.S. high school athletes. Athletic Trainers have the knowledge and skills base to make death from heat stroke completely preventable through safe practice and heat acclimatization.


The summer and early fall months in Alabama can be brutal! These high temperatures and humidity put patients at increased risk for heat illness. There are several types of heat illnesses ranging in severity. Although heat illness can be fatal, death is preventable if quickly recognized and properly treated.


NATA Statements:

Executive Summary Update to the 2002 Position Statement

Exertional Heat Illness Position Statement

Exertional Heat Illness Consensus Statement

NATA Disclaimer for Exertional Heat Illness Consensus Statement

Preseason Heat-Acclimatization Guidelines for Secondary School Athletics



Additional Resources:

ACSM Position Stand: Exertional Heat Illness During Training/Competition

Health Hydration for Youth Athletes

KSI: Comparison of NCAA and High School Heat Acclimatization Policies

KSI: Heat Acclimatization

NATA Foundation: Treatment of Heat Illness

NATA Foundation: Types of Heat Illness

NATA’s Heat Illness Authorization Form

NATA Hydration & Heat Illness Infographic

NATA PowerPoint: Exertional Heat Illness and Intercollegiate Athletics

NFL/GSSI: Preventing Heat Related Illness

OSHA Heat Illness Prevention Training

Parent’s & Coaches’ Guide to Heat Illnesses

US Soccer Recognize to Recover: Heat and Hydration

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