Approximately 1 in every 4-5 youths in America meets the criteria for a mental health disorder. The rate of mental illness was more than twice as high for those 18-25 as in those aged 50 years and older.
Approaching patients with concerns regarding mental well-being can be an uncomfortable experience. As athletic trainers, we may play a unique insider role in the life of a patient. ATs have the ability to identify “red flags” as well as provide the opportunity to be an advocate for the welfare of the individual.
NATA Statements:
Preventing, Detecting, and Managing Disordered Eating in Athletes
Safe Weight Loss and Maintenance Practices in Sports and Exercise
Additional Resources:
ACSM Position Statement: The Female Athlete Triad
AMSSM Position Statement: ADHD and the Athlete
AOSSM Consensus Statement: Psychological Issues Related to Injury in Athletes and the Team Physician
NATA: Bullying and Hazing Infographic
NATA: Critical Incident Stress Management 101 Infographic
NATA: Cultural Competence Infographic
NATA: Injury Nutrition Infographic
NATA: Mental Health Infographic
NATA: Nutrition Clock Infographic
NATA: The Power of Sleep Infographic
NATA: Suicide Awareness Infographic
NATA: Weight Management Infographic
NCAA: Treatment of the Female Athlete Triad