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In 1987, Henry “Sang” Lyda put together a meeting at the University of Alabama for the small collection of Athletic Trainers in the Alabama at that time. That meeting started the first ever, Alabama Athletic Trainers’ Association charge. In 1994 Ron Courson and the already established few of the ALATA moved our state forward and received approval from Alabama state legislation for the Alabama Athletic Training Licensure Act. This act promotes public protection by having qualitied persons licensed as athletic trainers, title protection and sets standards known as rules and regulations by which any licensed athletic trainer in the state of Alabama must abide. This is the law still used today.


In the following years, ALATA has been able to provide many resources and continuing education opportunities to the secondary school setting, collegiate setting, and clinical setting. The ALATA has also been able to provide multiple scholarships each year to student pursing athletic training within the state of Alabama. Most recently, the ALATA has continued to work for their members by updating the Alabama Athletic Training Licensure Act to reflect the practice of athletic training today.


ALATA Presidents Through the Years:

2021-Present: Kyle Southall

2018-2021: Danielle Platt

2014-2018: Chris King

2010-2014: John Morr

2010: Karen Straub Stanton

2006-2010: Heloise Jones

2003-2006: Brad Montgomery

2001-2003: Chris Gillespie

1999-2001: David Asback

1995-1999: Rodney Brown

1994-1995: Ron Courson

First President: Drew Ferguson

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