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On May 13, 1994 the Governor of Alabama signed a historical bill into law that is known as the Alabama Athletic Training Licensure Act. This act promotes public protection by having qualified persons licensed as athletic trainers, title protection, and sets standards known as rules and regulations by which any licensed athletic trainer in the state of Alabama must abide. Prior to this act, there was no Alabama statue specifically providing for the regulation and licensure of athletic training. Under present law this act provides for the regulation and licensure of athletic trainers and prescribes certain continuing educational requirements for athletic trainers in the state of Alabama. This act also provides for an athletic trainers’ board, powers and duties; provides for a fund and appropriation; and prescribes fines and penalties for violations of this act.



All information regarding the Alabama Board of Athletic Trainers or licensure applications and renewals can be found on the Alabama Board of Athletic Trainers website


Contact Information:

Alabama Board of Athletic Trainers

P.O. Box 243011

Montgomery, AL 36124

334-264-1929 (P)

334-262-2663 (F)

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