President's Message:
September 23, 2019
This month, the ALATA Secondary School Athletic Trainers Committee and the PR & Marketing Committee moved forward with the advancement of the NATA Safe Sports Schools Award grants campaign. They have been hard at work with the development of a campaign commercial, and application for schools that are interested in gaining recognition for all that they do at their schools with the NATA Safe Sports Schools Award. We are happy to announce that our commercial has been picked up by My68 and will run during Friday Night Rivals. Be sure to check it out! More information on the Safe Sports School Award grant application can be found below.
The ALATA EC has also approved a few updates in our Bylaws. The changes can be found at the link below as well as on our website. In the coming weeks we will be opening up the vote for the decision on these changes. Please be sure to review prior to this vote and let us know if you have any questions.
As always, please let anyone from the ALATA Executive Council or Committee Chairs know if there is anything, we can do for you.
Your President,
Upon further review of the ALATA By-Laws, the ALATA Executive Council recently voted to make a few changes to the terms of office of certain both the officers and non-officers’ positions. Please review the proposal of changes here. Voting will open at the end of this month. For more information, please visit our website.
Have you seen our new commercial? We are so excited to be able to continue the conversation of the need for athletic trainers a within our state. We hope this continues to drive all secondary school athletic trainers to gain recognition through the NATA Safe Sports Schools Award. If you are interested in applying for this award, the ALATA had five (5) grants to give away to cover the application cost. The application can be found on the ALATA website alathletictrainers.org.
Recently NATA District IV, Great Lakes Athletic Trainers’ Association (GLATA), submitted a proposal to divide into two Districts and form a new NATA District XI. GLATA District Director, Craig Voll, has made presentations to all Districts and the NATA Board of Directors will be voting on this issue in the near future. Our District Director, Marisa Brunett, would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal in an effort to consider all input when she votes on behalf of our District.
A copy of Director Voll’s presentation is available on our website for members to view and then provide Director Brunett with your thoughts and insight. To view the presentation, CLICK HERE; Director Voll and GLATA President Ryan Wilkinson have provided their contact information in the presentation if you have specific questions regarding the proposal.
Don’t forget this is a BOC reporting year! If you are looking for any category of CEU opportunities, click here to visit the BOC website.
Do you know someone that deserves recognition for what it is that they do? SEATA award nominations are open! Click Here for more information.
SEATA Save the Dates:
35th Annual SEATA Athletic Training Student Symposium
February 6th-8th, 2020 Crowne Plaza Ravinia Atlanta, GA -
8th Biannual SEATA Athletic Training Educators’ Conference
February 6th-8th, 2020 Crowne Plaza Ravinia Atlanta, GA -
45th Annual SEATA Clinical Symposium& Members’ Meeting
March 5th-7th, 2020 Crowne Plaza Ravinia Atlanta, GA -
71st Annual NATA Clinical Symposia & AT Expo
June 17th-20th, 2020 Atlanta, GA
2020 ALATA Annual Clinical Symposia & Members' Meeting:
Safe Sports Schools Grant Application: