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President's Message:

May 15 , 2020 


With our state slowly opening back up, I’m feeling a sense of encouragement and hope. This will be a slow process and the ripple effect will be seen for years to come but to know that our profession has played a role in assisting with the treatment of those patients affected by the coronavirus.  To see the work that continues to be done through Go4Ellis, county health departments, and individuals reaching out to offer their services, it only fuels my flame that we will be coming out of this stronger and better as a profession. If you would like to know more about how you can help, please consider Go4Ellis or reaching out to any one of your ALATA Executive Council members. There are still ways we all can help fight this pandemic.


With the cancellation of both the ALATA Annual Clinical Symposia & Members’ Meeting as well as NATA’s Annual Convention, the question now is how can the ALATA be sure we as your association are providing you with our promise of annual CEU opportunities. In this month’s issue of the ALATA A-blast you can find how your Executive Council is working to find you those CEU resources, both through ourselves as well as through our sister associations. You will also find information pertaining to our annual town hall meeting and how you can vote for this year’s Alabama Board of Athletic Training (ABAT) election.


As always, we are here for you. Please reach out to any of your Executive Council members with questions, concerns, or suggestions of how we can help in these times. Stay safe.


Your President,










Friday, May 22nd

6:00 PM

GoToMeeting Registration:


Please follow the above link to register to attend the ALATA 2020 Town Hall & Business Meeting that will be held Friday, May 22nd, starting at 6:00 PM. This is a free event but due to the ABAT vote that will be held immediately following the meeting, we must have registrant information. The meeting agenda is as follows:


  1. Officer’s reports

  2. Committee reports

  3. 2021 ALATA Annual Clinical Symposia & Members Meeting information

  4. Upcoming CEU opportunities

  5. Update on our bill

  6. Alabama Board of Athletic Trainers election vote


2020 ALATA Town Hall and Business Meeting Link:


Please register more than 30 minutes before the scheduled start time.


Please address any questions or concerns to or




  1. ALATA: In the coming months, we will be sharing additional CEU opportunities hosted by us or others that we have found. Stay tuned to the ALATA website ( and our various social media account for more information.

  2. SEATA’s TEAM AT Program: SEATA has announced the TEAM AT Webinar Program! A development program to promote educational opportunities as well as member engagement in support of the state associations and members of District 9. SEATA is currently calling for proposals for this event that will span over the coming months. If you or someone you know is interested, please click HERE or go to

  3. NATA Convention: The NATA Board of Directors has voted to cancel the 2020 NATA convention, held in Atlanta. The programming, content, and expo will be moved to a virtual format. This will be at a different date than the previously scheduled convention, and that date will be announced soon. For more information and registration, please click HERE or go to visit the NATA convention website.

  4. 10 FREE EBP CEUS: Don’t forget, all NATA members get 10 free CEU credits every year! No matter the CEU type. For more information and to find out how to claim your credits, click HERE or go to the NATA Career & Education tab on the NATA website.





NATA COVID-19 Resource Page


BOC Newsroom: Coronavirus


CAATE: Coronavirus Updates and FAQs


AHSAA COVID-19 Updates


AISA Webpage


Pres Sig.png

ALATA Annual Town Hall Meeting:

Membership Benefits/CEU Resources:

COVID-19 Resources:

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PO Box 187
Alabaster, AL 35007



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