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President's Message:

December 20, 2020 

We have finally come to the end of 2020! As much as this year has caused confusion and discomfort, it is my wish that you have had the opportunity to reflect on those changes that occurred this past year that brought good memories and positive change. We at the ALATA are thankful for each and every one of you! Your hard work, perseverance, and passion has been inspiring to us all. It is you, the member, that makes our continued drive for advancement of this profession in this great state well worth the hard work. We thank you and are grateful for you!


The upcoming year of 2021 will bring many changes. We are looking forward to continuing to push our mission and goals, fighting hard for the successful passing of our previous practice act bill, additions to the ALATA Executive Council, and also a change in leadership. Beginning early January, for family reasons I will be stepping down from my position as President. This experience of serving you has been one of the top highlights of my career and I am so thankful for this opportunity. Where I might not be directly involved in the progression of this great state association, I plan to assist in any way I can from the sidelines. I thank you all for your support and friendship over the last couple of years and I look forward to seeing continued progression in the years to come.


As always, please let us know how your association can better serve you! Merry Christmas and happy holidays!



Your President,








Congratulations to your new ALATA Executive Council members! We look forward to their start of service the beginning of January 2021.



Kyle Southall



Heath Blackmon


At-Large 1

Alyson Gramley




A new year brings new opportunities! Are you interested in getting involved in bettering the profession in Alabama? If so, contact We will match your interest with opportunities and needs of the association and its members.




Please remember to consider renewing your NATA membership for the upcoming year. You automatically become an ALATA and SEATA member with your NATA membership. NATA membership renewal closes on December 31 to avoid a lapse in membership. Unsure on why to become a member? See the below chart on some of the many perks of becoming a NATA member and how ALATA benefits from memberships within the state.


Personal Growth

  • Access to NATA Career Center

  • CEU opportunities (10 free CEUs/year - 20/reporting cycle)

  • Important Professional Updates

  • Professional Growth Opportunities


Support Initiatives

  • ATsCare

  • Educational Promotions and Publications

  • Governmental Affairs and Legislative Efforts

  • National, Regional, and State Association Efforts

  • Strategic Alliance Efforts

  • Revenue and Reimbursement Efforts



  • Federal, State and Regulatory efforts

  • Youth Sports Health and Safety

  • NATA Month

  • Media Relations and PR for growth of the profession



  • Professional Interest Initives

  • NATA Clinical Symposium and AT Expo

  • Mentorship Opportunities

  • Volunteer Opportunities

  • Access to workgroup and other professional alliances within your practice setting



Options for Members Experiencing Economic Hardship:


What can you expect from a NATA membership in 2021? We know 2020 has been a difficult year for many of our members who are facing challenges from unemployment to uncertainty. NATA has options available to members who are experiencing economic hardship. The first step is to contact Member Services and let us share how we can help. Our commitment has been – and will always be – advancing and uplifting athletic trainers and the athletic training profession. Contact Member Services at or 972-532-8897




We are excited to officially announce the dates of the 2021 ALATA Annual Clinical Symposia & Members’ Meeting! Please save May 27th-30th, 2021 on your calendars. We look forward to sharing this time with you on the beach!
























































































NATA COVID-19 Resource Page


BOC Newsroom: Coronavirus


CAATE: Coronavirus Updates and FAQs


AHSAA COVID-19 Updates


AISA Webpage

Pres Sig.png

ALATA Executive Council Election Results:

Upcoming ALATA Events:

STD 2021.png

Upcoming SEATA Events:

SEATA CSMM 2021.png
SEATA VATSS 2021.png

Upcoming ALATA Events:

Upcoming ALATA Events:

COVID-19 Resources:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
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  • Instagram



PO Box 187
Alabaster, AL 35007



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